Be healthy- best what you can wish to other person.
“Ole terve” website has been created with the aim to introduce people with different therapies and healing techniques.
Parts of those I have personally encountered and also practiced, but parts of the them, are new for me too.
The plan is to collect here a total of outreach materials of natural therapy, folk medicine, and healthy lifestyle.
Antud idee ajendiks sai tõsisasi, et vastava teemalisi materjale on internetis palju, aga need on võrdlemisi hajutatud ning eraldiseisvalt raskemini leitavad.
Way to do this- yes we can find lot of this kind of materials, but these are relatively dispersed, and more difficult to find.
Üheks eesmärgiks on aidata leida teavet neil inimestel, kes on valinud oma tervise eest hoolitsemiseks natuke teise tee, kui tavameditsiin.
Definitely, I want to offer a variety of opportunities to listen of interesting lectures about the health and spirituality.
The name of the Web page as “Be healthy”, it can be concluded, is not offered here, only out of the variety of methods of treatment, but also diseases of the preventive health and the reinforcement methods.
Nagu veebilehe nimest “Ole terve” võib järeldada, ei pakuta siin välja ainult erinevaid ravimeetodeid, vaid ka haigusi ennetavaid ja tervist tugevdavaid meetodeid.
Under the heading “other interesting” you can found the reading about different spiritual, religious, and shamanic practices.
Rubriigist “Muu huvitav” võib leida lugemist ka erinevate vaimsete, religioossete ja šhamanistlike praktikate kohta.